Featherston Community Centre
About Featherston Community Centre
If you are unsure of where to seek assistance, go to the Featherston Community Centre, they are the South Wairarapa Support hub. The FCC work with providers to bring services, support and activities to the community. They work with the community to ensure services are accessible and suitable for those who need it. Their central location, proximity, and relationship with Pae Tū Mōkai Featherston Medical is an ideal environment to include more support, social and disability services to be delivered to the community.
In late 2023 they will be installing a large commercial kitchen with the aim to educate and provide connection to many. The FCC is a tier 3 charity. All overheads, including wages, are covered by generous grants, donations and our very small room hire fees.
Office hours: Monday – Friday 9am to 3pm. Venue hire available all hours.
Contact Peter Paton – 06 308 8239