People First New Zealand Ngā Tāngata Tuatahi
About People First New Zealand Ngā Tāngata Tuatahi
People First New Zealand Ngā Tāngata Tuatahi are a Disabled People’s Orgainsation that is centred on the rights of people with a learning (intellectual) disability.
Their members learn about self-advocacy at meetings, so they know how to speak up about things that are important to them.
At meetings, local organisations have a chance to share what they do in the community and how they work with people with disabilities.
People First New Zealand also have services that promote inclusive communities for people with learning disability through their
- Disability information and advisory service for people with learning disability, their family, whānau and supporters
- Easy Read translation service
- Courses for people with learning disability – online and face-to-face
- Advisory and consultation work with organisations